• Question: how are enzymes formed in human body

    Asked by abxb325emmanuel to Cheryl, Christina, Daniel, George, Ivy on 20 Jan 2017.
    • Photo: Cheryl Andisi

      Cheryl Andisi answered on 20 Jan 2017:

      Hi. Enzyme production, just like all the other function of any organisms are made inside the cells.
      The cell is the basic unit of life. Different cells come together tk form tissues, tissues form organs, organs form organ systems and these systems are what will make up an organisms. Despite all this complexity, all the functions are still carried out by the cell and the sum total of activities the cells in an organ define its function.
      Ennzymes are proteins. That means that they will be made inside the cells of the organs specialised in making that specific enzymes. The organelles that make protein are ribosomes. The protein will then move through the endoplasmic reticulum to the golgi apparatus for modification. Most enzymes will be in their inactive form and it is some of the modifications done in the golgi that activate them. The proteins are then packaged into vesiscles, which will release them when required eg your digestive enzymes are released from the cells of the bile glands after you have taken a meal to help in its digestion
