• Question: An aeroplane can move and emits carbon(iv)oxide and water.Why is it not a living thing

    Asked by Janel to Cheryl, Christina, Daniel, George, Ivy on 20 Jan 2017.
    • Photo: Cheryl Andisi

      Cheryl Andisi answered on 20 Jan 2017:

      the ability to move and carr out respiration is just 2 of the many characteristic that make up a living organism. the plane definitely lacks characteristics such as the ability to reproduce, which is a key elements that ensures survival of an individual organism or even the population at large. this ability to reproduce is very important in living organisms that most of their adaptation are towards ensuring survival and propagation of the next generation. planes do not posses a genetic program that will be passed on to the next generation etc….
      you might also ask the same of viruses-are they particles or living organisms? they posses the extra characteristics i have mentioned but scientists are still not in agreement
