• Question: is true that the world is coming to an end

    Asked by abmb325 to Ivy, George, Daniel, Christina, Cheryl on 21 Jan 2017.
    • Photo: Cheryl Andisi

      Cheryl Andisi answered on 21 Jan 2017:

      Hi @abmb325,
      I think this is such a theological question that i cannot give you a straight answer because i do not know. I am a Christian, and among the christians, there are multiple signs that suggest that the world as we know it now is coming to an end. whether it happens today, tomorrow, in a hundred years etc is the big question because no one really knows.
      on the other hand, i am a scientist and i do not think there ithany eveidence to support that. From social and health economics studies we Know that there is massive increases in human population growth which in turn puts a strain on all the natural resources on earth. There are diseases that killed many people in the past that can now be managed at ease, there are emerging diseases, global warming, new technology to save lives etc. Basically both the good and bad. I think we also continue to evolve to and adopt new behavioural changes in order to survive
